Monday, March 3, 2008

Setting Up Killer eBay Auction Listings

Have you ever noticed that even though there are tens of thousands of auctions on EBay every day, only a small percentage of eBay sellers are able to consistently achieve profitable sales? It s no accident that these eBay marketers are able to build substantial incomes online while many sellers are barely able to pay for their listing fees. The secret to profitable sales on eBay is having great auction listings. An auction listing is a sales tool just like a website or squeeze page, and should be treated with the same amount of attention. Many eBay sellers just put a photo of their product on a listing page, briefly describe the product, and then expect it to sell for a high amount. With so many competing auction listings, this just isn t going to happen. To create a killer eBay auction listing, you first need a great title. This doesn t mean you have to be witty or overly creative when writing your title. Quite the contrary, your title is a very utilitarian tool. You have about 70 characters in which to tell eBayers about your product, so they will want to click on your listing. What are the most important words to describe your product. Use as many of these words as you can in your title. Don t worry if it doesn t make grammatical sense - you want to tell as much as possible in that tiny space. Next, your listing should contain lots of clear, sharp photographs. Don t just assume that one photograph is sufficient. People may want to see your product from different angles or in different settings. The more you show, the more likely people will be to have the confidence in you to bid on your product. Finally, your listing should have plenty of descriptive, engaging content about your product. Don t assume that people can tell everything about a product from the photograph. You can use your content to tell them about the benefits they could have if they chose to buy your product. You can also use this space to tell stories. You may have a story about how the product has benefited another client, or how the product came into being. Like with photographs, the more you tell about your product, the more interested potential bidders will be. And that translates to more sales. One caution about creating unique listings - you may be tempted to use detailed graphic background images for your listings. Although these are wonderful to look at, they can take a long time to load, particularly for dial up users. You want your page to load quickly, so your viewers can start visualizing owning the product. A fancy background image is not worth the sales you will lose because of slow page loads. Original article : Anthony Vicenza is a professional affiliate marketer. He now provides free advice to wanna-be internet entrepreneurs at .

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